Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This weeks scores!

Had a very busy last few weeks with work and school starting. I worked an auction Saturday and scored big!

2 redwood planters made by a local gent that match the furniture I already have, 2 beautiful Wagner case iron pans, a whole box of kitchen gadgets several of which I have wanted but never willing to pay the high prices for, and 2 huge boxes of old style tupperware...the kind that will last me the rest of my life! !  All for 35 bucks!!

The Wagner pans would be more than that even in a junk shop so I am pleased.

Next week I am on vacation...staycation rather...time for crafting, cooking, creating and getting the property ready for fall and winter.
Keep an eye out for some tutorials and ideas to pass the time over the rainy season and winter.