Saturday, August 4, 2012

Japanese Cucumber Love

I have a love for Japanese food in all forms. When I was young we had an exchange student from Japan. Akiko and I have become lifelong friends staying in touch for the past 21 years and my love for all things Japan has never subsided.

I was fortunate enough to be gifted with a huge bundle of garden veggies this weekend in exchange for some mechanical help and the highlight of that gift were beautiful, crisp cucumbers.

I would like to share a recipe for one of my favorite Japanese dishes that is simple to make and especially refreshing on a hot day such as this!

Japanese sweet pickled cucumbers. Enjoy!!

Peel 5 or 6 medium cucumbers

Halve each one and slice then into thin slices

Place them in a collander and sprinkle them with 2 tsp. salt. This will bring the water out of them and keep your marinade from becoming watery. Mix them well and place on a few doubled up paper towels in your fridge. Chill for 1 hour.

While they chill make the marinade:
Combine in saucepan
1/2 c. water
1/2 c. rice vinegar (seasoned or unseasoned works)
3 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. red pepper flake

Bring all the ingredients to a boil and reduce until the liquid measures about 1/3 cup. If you reduce it too far, that's ok, just add a little water to bring it up to 1/3 cup.

Let the marinade cool and combine with the cucumbers.

And viola!!! Deliciousness!

For most flavorful results make these the night before you would like to eat them. They keep in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

1 comment:

  1. Those ARE so yummy. We need to learn how to say "and voila!' in Japanese. *lol*
